For immediate release
Feb. 7, 2012
Culture Guard demands VSB ban hateful slurs like ‘homophobe’, etc.
VANCOUVER, Feb. 7, 2012 (—Kari Simpson, president of Culture Guard, has demanded that Patti Bacchus, Chair of the Vancouver School Board, prohibit the use of several words known to be “hateful slurs” in Vancouver schools and at VSB meetings.
The offensive words specified include “homophobe”, “homophobia”, “heterosexism” and all similar terms, which Mrs. Simpson charges are “invented propaganda labels, used solely to incite hatred and disrespect for individuals and/or groups who oppose the false propagandist information being used by sex activists to indoctrinate students within the public education system. Clearly, the media are finally catching on that they have been used and abused; but it appears that some Vancouver School Board trustees are still woefully ignorant of reality, and willfully remain a cluster of useful idiots, acquiescing to the bully tactics of the sex activists.”
The letter was sent to Ms. Bacchus and copied to the other trustees and school board staff earlier today. Ms. Simpson, asking her to ban the offensive words at the start of tonight’s Vancouver School Board meeting, is resolute in filing a complaint with the BC Human Rights Tribunal if Bacchus allows these slurs to continue to be used. Simpson states a precedent was set with the BCHT when two lesbian activists complained about “hurtful” comments they heard at a meeting of the Surrey School Board.
The meeting is expected to draw a large crowd because of rumours of a petition campaign to seek the resignations of two trustees, former VSB chair Ken Denike and new trustee Sophia Wu, who were censured at last month’s VSB meeting because they had publicly objected to an alleged “anti-bullying” program, Out in Schools, which included Internet links to gay pornography.
“The abuse of political power to exclude legitimate opinions is blatant fascism, and has no place in a democratic society,” charges Simpson.
Letter sent to Ms. Bacchus et al follows.
contact: Kari Simpson
phone: (604) 514-1614
Culture Guard
Tel: 604 514-1614 ~ Email:
Ms. Patti Bacchus
Chairwoman, VSB
1580 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V6J 5K8
Via Email
February 7, 2012
Re: Hateful & Contemptuous Slurs
Attention Ms. Bacchus:
As you are aware, I attended the last meeting of the Vancouver School Board on January 16, 2012. The meeting was also attended by a number of concerned parents, students and several homosexual activists and homosexual activist teachers: teachers who belong to overtly political groups like Pride Net.
I was disappointed and offended to see you allow hateful and contemptuous slurs being used that night: slurs made by trustees, teachers, students and PAC representatives. The terms “homophobe”, “homophobic” and “homophobia” are well-known hateful words, typically rooted in bigotry or ignorance and used to target, demean and bully into silence and compliance individuals and/or groups opposed to the public dissemination of false and propagandist information related to homosexuality and other allegedly “fluid” sexual determinations.
These same slurs are standard verbal weapons used by sex activists against individuals and/or groups that oppose the “celebration” of medically unsafe sexual practices like sodomy, and other associated sexual practices that are physically harmful and cost individuals their lives and their health—and which heavily burden our tax-funded healthcare system and other social services with obscene costs that are, for the most part, 100% preventable.
The groups targeted by the sex activists include members of the various faith communities (whose beliefs are protected by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms); medical and mental health professionals; politicians; and informed Canadians—all of whom are increasingly appalled at both the misinformation being disseminated by their public education system, and by the abuse of their tax dollars by individuals who engage in risky and unhealthy sexual practices, and then expect the next generation to pay for the medical and societal expenses associated with the consequences of their sexual behaviour.
As a trustee, Ms. Bacchus, you are duty-bound— by your own policies, and by law—to ensure that an environment without discrimination is cultivated within the Vancouver School District. Your lack of leadership and willful acquiesce to the bully tactics that played out that evening were nothing short of disgraceful; and perhaps only trumped by the ignorance displayed by students who spoke — students who proved only that the VSB has been providing platforms for sex activists who are demonstrably ignorant about issues involving homosexuality; but are well-trained in parroting the talking points and slurs used relentlessly by homosexual and other sex activists. Hardly something to take “pride” in.
I trust tonight’s meeting will be conducted in a more respectful and lawful manner. I believe it would be prudent for you to ensure that hateful slurs like “homophobe”, “homophobic” “homophobia” and “heterosexist” are prohibited. These words create a false impression of medical or psychological authority—but they do not appear in any recognized medical or psychological dictionaries. They are merely propaganda labels used to dismiss legitimate arguments used by opponents of the “gay agenda”. I am requesting that at the outset of tonight’s meeting, you openly declare those terms, and other similar words, to be inappropriate; and that you apologize to those in attendance for having allowed such vile and contemptuous slurs during the last meeting.
I remain in my willingness to meet with you and brief you on matters related to the Out In Schools program and other propaganda like Gender Spectrum—another pile of propagandist nonsense put out by the BCTF.
It is obvious from the last meeting that you and a few of the other trustees appear to be ignorant of the facts relating to the Out In Schools program. This is most troubling, as you refused my request to appear before the Board at the last meeting—an appearance that would have informed you about the Out In Schools program. Are you afraid of the facts? Do you fear public condemnation when parents find out about a program that you endorse, but claim to be ignorant of? Yes, I have the video from the last meeting which confirms both these statements.
In closing, Ms. Bacchus, be advised that I will accept your invitation to meet if you have the leadership skills and courage to extend one. I will do this, I admit, not because I have any measure of respect for you—quite the contrary—but because the students involved deserve to have their best interests protected, and their parents deserve to know the truth.
Yours truly,
Kari Simpson
President, Culture Guard
Copies –
VSB Trustees
VSB Superintendent
VSB Secretary Treasurer
Informed Canadians
As a BC Taxpayer,parent of grown children,and grandparent, I wholeheartedly support the stand that Kari Simpson and Culture Guard have taken on this matter.