Freedom of Speech superhero Bill Whatcott ( speaks to Kari Simpson and Ron Gray about his latest battle for free speech. While distributing 100% factual fliers about the dangers of promiscuous homosexual sex – complete with censored photos – Bill was arrested and then threatened with incarceration in a mental institution! In Canada, is speaking the truth now considered “insane”?
Watch this fully illustrated show to see what all the fuss is about. If you’re too squeamish for the harsh reality of the truth, then that’s all the more reason for you to watch! Fear of the truth can kill you and your children! Fear of the truth is already costing Canada billions of dollars! Fear of the truth is no excuse to stay uninformed.
There’s no censoring done at all on those photos. I’ve received many of his insane fliers, and they are TRULY insane.
There most certainly is censoring in Bill Whatcott’s fliers. We show examples of them in our webcasts. Mr. Whatcott’s style is to censor a photo by covering private parts with the pictures of sex activists. As for aborted babies, mouth fungus and anal warts, well, those are factual photos. Censoring those would be ludicrous and counterproductive.