Please read the SOGI backgrounder if you are new to SOGI 123 lesson plans.

Updated – May, 2018
K-12 – Why “That’s So Gay” is not Okay
K/1 Social Studies & PHE – Family Diversity
K/1 Social Studies & PHE – Name Calling
K/1/2/3 English Language Arts, Social Studies & PHE – Pronouns
K/1/2/3/4 English Language Arts & Arts Education – Gender and Labels
K/1/2/3/4 English Language Arts – LGBTQ+ Families
K/1/2/3/4 English Language Arts & Arts Education – Gender and Diversity
2/3 English Language Arts & PHE – Gender Identity
2/3/4/5 English Language Arts & PHE– Questioning Gender Expectations
4/5 Physical and Health Education – Gender Identity, Media and Stereotypes
5/6/7 Social Studies – LGBTQ+ Human Rights
5/6/7 Arts Education & PHE – Gender Stereotypes and Bullying
6/7 PHE & English Language Arts – Gender and Appearance in Media
8/9 Physical and Health Education – Gender Identity
8/9 English Language Arts – Gender Stereotypes in Literature
8/9/10 English Language Arts – Social Justice Vocabulary
8/9/10/11/12 English Language Arts – Gender in Short Stories and Poetry
8/9/10 Physical and Health Education & 10/11/12 Social Studies – Language and Terminology
10/11/12 Social Studies / BC First Peoples / Indigenous Studies – Indigenous Perspectives of Gender
10/11/12 Science, Life Sciences, Biology & Anatomy and Physiology – Intersex Biology
SOGI 123 K – 1 What is a Family
SOGI 123 K-12 Why Thats so Gay is not OK
SOGI 123 2-3 Fairy Tales and Gender Roles HL
SOGI 123 2 – 5 Questioning Gender Expectations
SOGI 123 4-5 Gender Identity Media & Stereotypes
SOGI 123 5-6 Struggle for LQBTQ Rights in Canada and the World
SOGI 123 5-7 Gender Self Portrait
SOGI 123 SEC Gender Identity – School Climate Map
SOGI 123 SEC Gender in Short Stories & Poetry
SOGI 123 SEC Gender Stereotypes in Literature Examining NOvels for Gender Bias
SOGI 123 SEC Indigenous Perspectives of Gender
SOGI 123 SEC Language and Terminology to Explore Gender and Sexuality
Thank you Kari Simpson for taking on the idiocy of SOGI 123 which is become yet another challenge to our social norms, being perpetrated by ill-informed politicians and special interest groups whose main goal it seems is to undermine the traditional family concept, undermine the rights of parents, and ultimately confuse children about their sexuality.
I believe in a person’s right to believe in what they deem to be true including their sexual disposition. I
do however take issue with SOGI 123 being taught in schools to children. This subject, like religion, is the property of the child’s parents. Perhaps what should be being taught in schools is “Acceptance and “Tolerance” which are gifts all children have from birth.
From a different perspective, it seems odd that those diverse interest groups who were once bullied, are now bullying others and name calling those that do not support their agenda.
Thank you.
I agree fully with the previous comment. We have free speech, yet if we disagree it is called hate. It seems like the very people promoting this program are culprits themselves…being discrimintory, hypocritical, resorting to name calling. They do not know the meaning of hate.
So true. Look at the bad example our own Minister of Education is making! Fierce words from empty minds have no edge! Time for him to resign.
I have watched interviews where if you don’t agree with the current majority way of thinking – which is usually outside family norms – you are called names at best and threatened with bodily harm as Ben Shapiro and others have been. These people are actually tolerant only of those of like mind. Watch the Daily Wire, and see if firsthand.
Pull your kids out of school and once they have developed enough critical thinking skills they won’t conform to those who seek to normalize what was refereed to as, deviant behavior. When school adninistrators seek to impose their beliefs on the young, its called indoctrination.
Our school district SD71 is proud to announce they wrote the SOGI policy and then let other districts review it before implementing it. Now the board has adopted we teach kids sexual education at all grades and have child care on our property.
Same community that had the swing vote in the provincial election.
It is a sad day that we live in. Was I politically correct in my delivery?
Chris, the Comox Valley has long been a hot-bed of radical Leftist politics. But unless you had a CHP candidate in the last provincial election (there were only 4 in all BC) you didn’t have an option that was opposed to SOGI. The road to SOGI was paved by the BC Liberals, and enthusiastically endorsed by the NDP and their Green allies. But don’t despair; there’s a citizen uprising brewing through CultureGuard. Stay tuned and stay active!
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SOGI 123 SEC Gender Stereotypes in Literature Examining NOvels for Gender Bias
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I am orthodox Christian, immigrant to Canada,strongly disagree with sexeducation,I believe in biblical moral norms,i supported Kari Simpson rally in Port Moody,is it ok if they call us bigots ,opprest ,sick Christian ideology,they have no tolerance for religion,yet they want us to accept their dirty sex ideology,please God have mercy on us !
I am stunned that we are here once again I was one of the parents that fought the district in implementing CAPP and the proposed addition of the homosexuality component…first as sensitivity training for teachers then very quickly as part of CAPP. We brought in Kari Simpson. We attended school board meetings….EVERY school board meeting. (yuck) We ran for school board and an incumbent went on the radio warning of the Christian coalition. He warned that if “he (my husband) gets elected the unions should bring bibles to the next meeting”. We were called the God Squad ( I liked that one) and compared to the Taliban (in print) We signed Kari Simpsons Declaration of Parental Rights and were called names. “I don’t even want to know a parent that would sign this document” said one senior school trustee. The head of the CDTA at the time sat in the back row of the board office during a board meeting, knitting a rainbow jesters hat interjecting “Read my lips….ITS NOT CURRICCULUM” (You cant make this stuff up) The most disturbing note is that we warned the Christian community, we warned like minded parents, we brought in speakers, Sean Murphy ( CAPP Critique author). The Christian community’s parents were conspicuous by their absence. Even the Superintendent at the time Clyde Woolman asked us in a meeting with him…”If this is such an issue, where are your fellow Christian parents?”
We warned parents the camels nose was in the tent.
And here we are 20 years later ….the entire camel, and half his heard is in the tent. And that makes me…..well….angry. Now its my grandkids whose sexual innocence is on the chopping block of inclusivity….and I’m faced with the possibility of not only having to fight Goliath, but all his brothers too!
My final comment may not be too PC but here goes…..being Christian is the new black or the new gay. When can we expect sensitivity classes promoting awareness and safety for religious kids?
PS Its time for a Supreme Court challenge to the notion of mandatory sex ed.