CITIZENS-Express – People Powered Media
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100-plus sex activists in bed with Christy Clark and her Cabinet?
Perverting Democracy 101!
May 4, 2017 (CultureGuard) — BC Premier Christy Clark, unbeknownst to the majority of British Columbians, invited Liberal and NDP MLAs to a political gangbang on July 25, 2016 with 100 or so sex activists—and secretly screwed parents and other sensible citizens without their knowledge.
“ ‘Pay for access’ has been taken to a new depth,” says family rights advocate Kari Simpson.
Apparently, it takes just over 200 thousand sexual anarchist dollars—all from one guy—to suck our premier into educationally abusing BC children.
Premier Clark says she’s opposed to bullying; but being an anti-democratic thug, who supports the abuse of children by subjecting them to a dangerous psychological experiment via the education system, seems to be OK by the Premier.
There was no advance notice—at least, not to the general public—about the July 25, 2016 surprise mid-summer first reading (and second and third—all on one day!) of Bill 27 to amend the BC Human Rights Act; yet somehow 100+ sex activists had poured into the public gallery of the Legislature to watch Bill 27 rammed through into law—all in one day!
The amendment to the already controversial BC Human Rights Code now includes whatever I want my “gender identity” to be on any given day. The people of BC were not invited to this party. They only get to pay the bills. And there’ll be many!
Our gullible Attorney General, Suzanne Anton, introduced the Bill, and it was on a fast track thereafter, receiving first, second, the façade of a committee hearing, and third reading—all in a matter of hours.
Less than two months later, Education Minister Mike Bernier announced the introduction of a mandatory code of conduct that leads to indoctrinating all students into sex activism, under the guise of anti-bullying.
The question inquiring taxpayers want to know is: how did they do all this?
How did a man named Quartermain and his “Arc Foundation” turbo-lobby the Ministry of Education into a “partnership” to implement a curriculum that is so destructive and dangerous to children? It amounts to a vast social experiment in which parents have no say.
‘Arc Foundation’ seems to take its name from arc en ciel—French for ‘rainbow’, which apparently is intended to mask their real agenda: mandatory acceptance and even celebration of homosexuality, transgenderism and mass confusion in the public schools… and at the BC Legislature, which now flies the LGBTQ++ ‘rainbow’ flag.
SOGI—which stands for “Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity”—is being foisted upon the children of BC by Pretivm Resource mining executive Robert Quartermain and a sex activist team that includes Steve Mulligan, a sex activist and former Vancouver School Board employee who is also a director for the Queer Film Festival’s so-called ‘charity organization’, Out on Screens.
There is no record of Mr. Quartermain, or his “ARC Foundation” activists being registered as lobbyists. There is no record of representatives from the OUT ON SCREENS Society and their “education” program, OUT IN SCHOOLS, being registered as lobbyists, despite holding a luncheon for elected officials.
Out in Schools has been sold to the Ministry of Education and local school boards as an “anti-bullying” program. The term “anti-bullying is used to deceive parents. In an interview with SFU Student Radio, Out in Schools Executive Director Ross Johnstone said the guerrilla marketing strategy by OiS was established “to increase youth attendance at the annual Queer Film Festival.”
OiS ran contests for students to create anti-bullying videos. The prizes were awarded at the QFF, in conjunction with the showing of porn films the students were too young to attend. But they got to see the lurid posters in the foyer and lots of gay porn in the party room where they were invited to play “games”—like a drinking game called Lesbian Debauchery, and a board parody of the Periodic Table of the Elements, called the Queeriodic Table, with ‘elements’ like ‘R for Rimming’ and ‘GH for glory hole’.
It’s an offense in BC to lobby government officials without registering. Did Premier Christy Clark conspire with these activists to dupe and deceive the people of BC? Did access money willfully blind and gag her from informing parents about who she was forcing the children and youth of BC into bed with? Did she fail to see whether these so-called ‘charities’ were lawfully reporting their political activities to the Canada Revenue Agency?
It seems Christy Clark has forgotten why the Liberal party got elected in 2001.
Beginning in 1997, the then-governing NDP began their intrusive anti-family sex agenda into our schools and the minds of our children. That was why parents and concerned citizens rose up and sent the NDP packing, obliterating them politically by reducing them to only two seats out of 75.
Clearly the time has come to galvanize our political voice, vote and values once again. And while it might be too late to disrupt the political apple cart for this election, that won’t be the case for the next one, says Kari Simpson.
For more information go to
Click here for Kari Simpson’s letter to Robert Quartermain
Click here for Backgrounder
Contact Kari Simpson: 604 514-1614 Email:
Download a pdf copy here… MediaReleaseSexActivistsinbedwithChristyMay42017F.docx
At this moment in our history, why would any sane person not realize that the Liberal and NDP parties are one in the same and, to a lesser degree, so are many of those in the Conservative parties around the country. Back in the seventies, I was in the House in Ottawa and there were two M.P.s of the day with me and we were having a rather ‘testy’ discussion on politics in general and I was advised by both that I should consider myself lucky to live in a country that had a three political party system and not one, like so many countries. I responded thusly: “We do not have a three-party system. We have a one-party system with three names.” Today I maintain that belief (although we now have a four-party system) and until and unless there are some drastic philosophical changes, I shall retain that belief and would discuss it in any forum. How long does it take for people to see through the philosophical garbage put forth by the existing parties? If we do not make some necessary changes in our political system and do it soon, we may well not have a country — or most certainly not a country that has been the best the world had ever seen — until the past 40 years? Do not forget for one minute that all such ‘changes and advances’ we have witnessed during this period, take time — until the final lunge — and then ‘it’ is over. Not something I ever dreamt I would see in my lifetime — even though I, among others, tried to warn Canadians many years ago and were categorized as ‘nuts,’ or other adjectives not so nice — and now we are where we are.
This cultural revolution has been coming for a long time. A generation is necessary to have many if not most young adults brainwashed into the new morality or shall I say the new amoral propaganda. At stake is not only our country but our precious children because they are now the target. When evil has corrupted the children its the end of a moral society. Perversion and anarchy will be the rule of the day, freedom of conscience and freedom of speech would be fully controlled. Is this by design? I do not normally espouse to conspiracy theories but now I begin to wonder. If I wanted to destroy our country from within , these things would certainly do the trick.
[…] 據聞2016年7月25日那一天,維多利亞省議會擁進百多名推動性向性別多元化的活躍份子,也就是在那一日之內,Gender Identity(性別認同) 和 Gender Expression(性別表達)加入卑詩人權法。然而,百密必有一疏,這一天有省民坐席旁聽,目賭一切,按Citizen Guard 5月4日的報導,省自由黨收取了利益,和省新民主黨合伙出賣了家長和一向支持它的選民。就是過往得到固守傳統家庭價值觀選民支持的李燦明,也坐在議長座上說,他對更改人權法感到難以置信的喜悅。 […]