What does it matter if some men are allowed to call themselves women?
Consider these social impacts:
- There have been numerous reports of sexual assaults against women and young girls in areas where “gender identity” has permitted male access to bathrooms, showers and change facilities. https://sencanada.ca/content/sen/committee/421/LCJC/Briefs/WOMANMeanSome_e.pdf
- Medical and forensic statistics on crime, sexual assaults and sexually transmitted diseases, will be distorted, and rendered useless for research.
- Birth certificates and passports are already being changed, with “M”, “F” and “X” listings for gender.
- Reports on the increasing number of “gender reassignment” surgeries in the media have not, so far, included the information of a growing number of transgender people who want to revert to their birth sex (detransioners). http://dailysignal.com/2017/10/30/ugly-truth-sex-reassignment-transgender-lobby-doesnt-want-know/amp/
- Women and girls are facing legal erasure. “You can call yourself a ‘transman’, but not a ‘woman’,” says CultureGuard’s Kari Simpson. “If you’re born with an X and a Y chromosome, you don’t have what it takes to join my gender!” http://womanmeanssomething.com
- Some courts are giving leniency to trans-identified males who’ve committed sexual crimes against girls on account of their gender confusion; is that ‘justice’? http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/news/leicester-news/pervert-wins-jail-sentence-cut-688023.amp
- Some male ‘athletes’ are winning competitions by entering as women
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