Concerned Canadians protest UN ‘compact’: ‘Orwell on steroids’

Dec. 10, 2018 (CultureGuard) —Enthusiastic Canadians turned out in the Lower Mainland of BC Saturday, to protest plans for Canada to hand authority to make immigration law from Parliament to an unelected international body, accountable to no one.

Peaceful protesters stood on three overpasses above the Trans-Canada highway Saturday, to display signs and banners opposing the proposed UN pact on migration.

Seventy-two people gathered on the 232nd Street overpass in Langley; 20 at the Vedder Road interchange in Chilliwack; and another substantial crowd at the Willingdon overpass in Burnaby.

Hundreds of passers-by and motorists honked and waved their support—(all but one at the Langley event who waved had all their fingers up!). A Culture Guard Facebook post of the Langley event has been viewed by 350,000 people and shared a whopping 12,000+ times.

A similar event in Ottawa drew thousands—including masked ‘antifa’ thugs, who reacted with violence to the peaceful protest: nine were arrested, and one unnamed man was charged.

The protesters were stating objections to the federal government’s plan to sign on to a proposed UN ‘compact’ on migration ‘rights’. Immigration Minster Ahmed Hassan has said, duplicitously, that the compact is “not binding”; but it would in fact commit Canada to agree to write laws and regulations that incorporate the compact’s stated principles, which create a new ‘human right’ to migrate anywhere on earth, and commit national governments to provide extensive care and labour rights, regardless of the migrants’ qualifications; it would also commit national governments to give migrants unlimited family reunification rights.

The UN Global Compact on Migration spells out, in 34 pages of fine print, requirements for member-states to adopt as policy accommodating unfettered mass migration from the global South to the North.

The Global Compact that Justin Trudeau has already committed to sign is one among the many agreements the UN has been pushing in the making of a borderless world, including also the Paris Agreement for climate change and R2P or “Responsibility to Protect.”

There are, however, a number of developed countries—Austria, Australia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Israel, Poland, Slovakia, the United States—that have indicated they will not sign the Global Compact in Marakesh.

The Global Compact is also Shariah-compliant, since the 57-member Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is the largest bloc of member-states in the UN. And OIC partnership with the EU in the UN makes for a formidable Islamic/Marxist alliance promoting global compliance with Shariah Law.

Prime Minister Trudeau has already given Canadian taxpayers’ money to globalist George Soros to draft Canadian immigration policy. Soros’ Open Society and Tides Foundations are major funders of radical organizations that campaign to collapse Canada’s resource industries: oil, forestry, fisheries and mineral extraction.

The BC rallies were organized by Tanya Gaw, head of the Canadian Coalition for Responsible Government (CC4RG) and by Kari Simpson, founder and president of Culture Guard.

A joint statement issued by Simpson and Gaw said the groups are deeply concerned that the proposed ‘compact’ will come at the cost of national sovereignty, security and individual Charter rights.

They warned the pact “gives huge influence over Canada’s immigration policy to a foreign body” and will make migration “a universal human right, without respecting the rights of citizens in receiving countries.”

“Canadians will be compelled to promote the cultures of migrants over their own,” the statement said.

“The Prime Minister has too closely aligned himself with the United Nations, which has devolved from a world forum for peace into a hot-bed of anti-Semitism and hostility to Western values,” Simpson said.

“The Goals of the UN Compact for Migration are unrealistic and must be rejected,” Gaw added.

“In complete contrast to the totalitarian, communist and socialist cultures from which these migrants are fleeing, Canada’s rule of law and values are founded on Judeo-Christian principles, inherited through our British Commonwealth from the Magna Carta,” Gaw said. “Without that, Canada will no longer be known for its unique virtues, but will become a post-national state with no core identity.”

The agreement is divided into 23 objectives toward which the signatories apparently must agree to work. Signatory states commit to:

“Launch and publicize a centralized and publicly accessible national website to make information available on regular migration options, such as on country-specific immigration laws and policies, visa requirements, application formalities, fees and conversion criteria, employment permit requirements, professional qualification requirements, credential assessment and equivalences, training and study opportunities, and living costs and conditions, in order to inform the decisions of migrants.”

States, in other words, are not only supposed to open their borders for the migrants of the world, but should also help them pick and choose their future country by providing them with comprehensive information about each country they may wish to settle in.

The service level envisioned to facilitate more migration is also high. Countries are called upon to:

“Establish open and accessible information points along relevant migration routes that can refer migrants to child-sensitive and gender-responsive support and counselling, offer opportunities to communicate with consular representatives of the country of origin, and make available relevant information, including on human rights and fundamental freedoms, appropriate protection and assistance, options and pathways for regular migration, and possibilities for return, in a language the person concerned understands.”

Once migrants have arrived at their chosen destination, the signatory countries commit to:

“Provide newly arrived migrants with targeted, gender-responsive, child-sensitive, accessible and comprehensive information and legal guidance on their rights and obligations, including on compliance with national and local laws, obtaining of work and resident permits, status adjustments, registration with authorities, access to justice to file complaints about rights violations, as well as on access to basic services.”

Borders may continue to exist in theory, but the UN—comprising nearly all governments of the world—is working hard at making them disappear in practice.

Migrants, according to the agreement, must also be “empowered to realize full inclusion and social cohesion” in their new countries (objective 16). This means, among other things, that countries must:

“Promote mutual respect for the cultures, traditions and customs of communities of destination and of migrants by exchanging and implementing best practices on integration policies, programmes and activities, including on ways to promote acceptance of diversity and facilitate social cohesion and inclusion.”

All cultures, in other words, are equal and must be equally respected. Presumably, this means that, for example, the tradition of female genital mutilation (FGM), which almost all women in Somalia experience , must be acknowledged in Western nations as deserving of “mutual respect” the same as in Mogadishu.

The agreement goes on to enumerate the work that states must initiate to accommodate migrants:

“National… policy goals regarding the inclusion of migrants in societies, including on labour market integration, family reunification, education, non-discrimination and health should be developed. In addition, the host country should facilitate access to decent work and employment for which they are most qualified, in accordance with local and national labour market demands and skills supply.”

In other words, newly arrived migrants in Canada, for example, should have the same, or at least very similar, rights to education, the labour market and health care, as Canadians, who have worked hard and paid taxes for half a century to gain access to those very same things. Canadians, of course, will have to pay for all of this out of their tax money.

‘Orwell on steroids’

“The authors of the agreement evidently do not expect it to go down all that well with their populations,” says the prestigious Gatestone Institute. “An agreement to facilitate mass migration into primarily Western countries from the rest of the world (there is no migration to speak of in the opposite direction) may prove a bit much for people in the West. The agreement therefore clearly signals that any disagreement with the agenda will not be accepted and that the signatory states will work to dispel ‘misleading narratives that generate negative perceptions of migrants.’

“To make this objective a reality, the signatory states first commit to:

“Promote independent, objective and quality reporting of media outlets, including Internet-based information, including by sensitizing and educating media professionals on migration-related issues and terminology, investing in ethical reporting standards and advertising, and stopping allocation of public funding or material support to media outlets that systematically promote intolerance, xenophobia, racism and other forms of discrimination towards migrants, in full respect for the freedom of the media.” (Objective 17)(emphases added)

“This is Orwell on steroids,” says Gatestone. “Almost all UN member states will sign an agreement that says media outlets that disagree with government policies will not be eligible for public funding? On top of this, the agreement claims, bizarrely, that it is being written ‘in full respect for the freedom of the media’—as if that is going to make anyone actually believe it.”

In short, the so-called ‘compact’ does not claim the status of a treaty, but seeks to impose treaty-like obligations on the signatories—including state censorship of any criticism of the compact or of migrants. Indeed it is, as Gatestone says “Orwell on steroids.”



• Tanya Gaw, Canadian Coalition for Responsible Government, 604 599-7916

• Kari Simpson, Culture Guard, 778 277-2201

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