An Overview of a legal letter written by Herb Dunton Barrister & Solicitor addressed to the Hospital Employees Union President Barb Nederpel and Provincial Executive.
The letter is written on behalf of his clients, a large and growing group of healthcare workers who are members of the HEU (union). Mr. Dunton explains that his services were retained to assist them in understanding the law and in presenting their requests for HEU’s support and representation against the “vaccine” mandate by their employer.
He clearly states that his clients are not coming to HEU as adversaries, nor with the threat of litigation. Rather, they are hopeful that this discussion will result in a renewed solidarity and shared sense of purpose among the HEU membership. He further explains that his clients include both vaccinated and unvaccinated healthcare workers, standing together for the right of all members to reject an involuntary, invasive medical procedure.
Mr. Dunton’s defence rests on the following key points:
- Vaccine re-defined – The dictionary definition of vaccine has been changed in the SARS- COV-2 (“Covid-19”) era, to now include mRNA medicines, such as Pfizer/BioNTech. A vaccine of this definition was never contemplated by the drafters of HEU’s collective agreement
- Incomplete trials – When this agreement was agreed upon, the parties to the agreement never contemplated that the employer would mandate any vaccine for which clinical trials had not been completed.
- Vaccine death and injury – When this article concerning vaccination was agreed upon, the parties never contemplated that the employer could mandate union members to receive injections of any vaccine that has caused astronomical death and injury.
In these circumstances, it would be unreasonable, even unconscionable for the HEU, and the labour union movement generally, to lend their weight and influence to the BC government’s abhorrent vaccine mandate policy.
This government policy defies the very reason for HEU’s existence – to protect workers’ civil rights and liberties, including their health and safety in the context of employment.
In closing, Mr. Dunton sets forth his clients simple requests, that include but are not limited to, that HEU:
- Bullying – Take action to end the severe harassment and bullying that unvaccinated employees are experiencing from management and non-supportive coworkers.
- Privacy – Remind all parties that members have a right to privacy with respect to their medical information, which must be respected.